Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Facebook Browser

Browser war is going on. The companies are coming up with new browsers & trying to compete with the old ones in the market. Recently, Yahoo launched its own browser, Yahoo Axis, to compete with the giants like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari etc…

After considering this competitive market, the social network giant, Facebook, is been heard of coming up with a browser which will help you to stay updated with your social life, with the help of inbuilt plug-ins and features.

Recently Facebook bought Instagram for $1 billion & yesterday Pocket-lint reported that according to its trusted sources, the social network giant is going to either buy Opera browser which has around 200 million users across the globe. But Facebook hasn’t yet commented anything on this, so this may be a rumor too.

After the Facebook IPO (Initial Public Offering) at Nasdaq, which has brought them billions of dollars, Facebook will surely be having excess cash which it needs to invest & earn out of it, so as to meet the expectations of it shareholders. Thus it could be quite possible that Facebook could take over Opera. Zuckerberg will surely consider the potential growth of Opera browser, especially in the mobile world.

If Facebook won’t buy Opera, then I personally feel that there would be some other big new that would come from Facebook. The simple reason behind this statement is for considering the idle cash with it, which would make no good if not invested!

So do you think after hearing this news, will Google take any step to preserve its market share of Google Chrome..?? Will 900 million users on Facebook cause harm to other browsers, if Facebook would buy Opera..?? Will Facebook be benefited if it takes this step..??


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